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Questions tagged with AWS Blu Age
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176 results
I'm encountering the following error in Blu insights when transforming a BMS map definition:
"Error during BMS parsing (unexpected macro type: "AIF" in line " AIF ('&SYSPARM' EQ 'DSECT').SKIPSD")"
I'm trying to Install AWS Blu Age Refactoring Toolbox as mentioned in the workshop but I'm getting the below error.
**[ERROR] Could not create local repository at D:\PhotonUser\Workshop\maven-reposito...
I have checked on the database there is no transaction table available. I could not find JICS database as well. When I check logs, I could only find these logs. I initJics.sql is in jics/sql folder an...
currently I'm doing a step (Execution -> Test -> Online-> User features -> Transaction report) of the AWS Blu Age Level 3 Self-Paced Troubleshooting Workshop with **version 4.2.0 of Blu Age veloc...
I am seeing below errors when compiling the code during Refactoring implementation
- java.lang.Error : Unresolved compilation problems:
The import aws.bluage.l3.workshop.refactoring.helper cannot be ...
After deploying and starting my application in AWS M2, I tested the batches previously mentioned in the workshop (Test Batches) which ran succesfully, but upon trying to open the online view, I enter ...
Application is deployed successfully and running. while testing getting below error in logs while testing batch application TRANBKP. I have checked the database and found entries present for VSAM file...
I'm currently participating in the AWS L3 WORKSHOP. Following the instructions provided, I executed a transformation using version 4.2.0. The status of the run shows success, but unfortunately, I'm no...
I'm currently started with Blu Age L3 Workshop and uploaded the project and received an email confirmation. As the next step, need to create Assess codebase artifacts in Assessment board / Codebase li...
After setting up my tomcat server and launching the Blusam Administration Console, I am trying to create dataset from listcat, and then try to upload the generated json files (from transform step). Ho...
DiskPart has encountered an error: The parameter is incorrect.
See the System Event Log for more information.
When I try to extend Diskpart to 5GB I am getting below error
Virtual Disk Service error:
The volume could not be extended because it is encrypted by BitLocker and
Fveapi.dll could not be loaded to d...