Questions tagged with Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
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1664 results
Yesterday after removing an S3 with a static website and route53 CNAME's, I get "One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a different resource" when trying to put any of the...
Hi, I have a question about Route53 DHCP Options:
If you infra is running on eu-central-1 then by default the DHCP Options has a rule which is attach to your VPC to resolve the DNS request which come...
Hello I am trying to use AWS Lightsail to build a website using Wordpress.
When I click on lightsail > domain > set up website, I follow the 4 steps however it comes out with this error...
I used Certificate Manager to create a certificate that I am using in an App Runner custom domain. The custom domain is active and SSL/TLS for the custom domain and App Runner is all working as...
I have a web application running on a single EC2 machine. The instance has an Elastic IP address attached to it, and my customers are accessing it via a domain name that I bought and forwarded to that...
Hello, I bought a custom domain from AWS Route 53 which is listed under Route 53's Hosted Zones as ****. I added a new A record inside it using the record's name as...
I am logging in to the AWS console as the root user. Since last week, I now see an error when I try to access Route 53. That is all we have in our AWS account, just some hosted zones for DNS and now I...
Hi. I'm trying to create a SSL certificate for my domain, purchased and hosted in Route53 and for use in a S# static website.
I generate the CNAME records automaticaly without...
I tried to setup emails sending for my environment. I have my domain name (let it be <my_domain>.com) registered in AWS Route 53. I have verified domain and email address...
I am attempting to set up my domain name on AWS. I purchased the domain name on
I set my doman up on Route53 and pointed my name servers to the provided route53 name servers.
I configured...
Hi, I have a subdomain hosted in hostinger. I need to use this subdomain to access my web API deployed in a EC2 instance with SSL enabled. I would like to use ELB for routing and...
I'm following [this tutorial]( on creating a static...