Questions tagged with Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service.
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1664 results
Hi, I moved some domains from squarespace to route 53 after google sold. I'm not moving domain often but I probably moved domains a 100 times or more without any particular problems.
This time it...
I'm trying to transfer a domain into AWS Route53 but I get an error stating that the transfer failed: Number of domains exceeded for the account. Go to the Service Quotas console page to request an...
I'm using the origin domain and AWS Amplify to manage the frontend environment. I selected and created the subdomain in the custom domain settings. I also enabled the...
Hi !
I created wordpress hostign on lightsail with my domain not registred with Route53 .
It worked for few secinds on then started showing the error Invalid SSL certificate...
I have a customer setup with regional DNS failover configured, using Route53 with 2 alias records that use a weighted policy.
The alias records point to network load balancers (NLB) in 2 different...
I have hosted web page in S3, S3 url working fine, and its been configured in CloudFront with AWS certificate, and CloudFront url also working fine.
I have create A Record with the alias option...
Hello everyone, I'm trying to register my custom domain in my Amplify application and I'm getting the error:
“SSL setup failed
One or more of the CNAMEs you provided are already associated with a...
How do I renew my domain on Amazon Route 53, my AWS account was canceled?
Hello! I am new to this service and am trying to link up my domain in route 53 to my s3 bucket. I have no idea what the issue is after following and refollowing the instructions several times. The...
Hey everyone,
I use Lightsail for building my website, I just hit my quota for DNS zones on my Lightsail account so I was advised to use Route 53, I have created a hosted zone with the domain, which...
Set a route 53 dns record, but doesn't work. Visited from Vietnam and Japan, all met DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error.
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How do I detect a Route 53 failover?
If I use Route 53 health checks, can I do this with CloudWatch metrics?
If I don't use Route 53 health checks and only Evaluate Target Health, how can I do...