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Questions tagged with Amazon Cognito Federated Identities
enable you to create unique identities for your users and federate them with identity providers
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109 results
1. If I have set up my User Pool to have not only email as a 'required' attribute but also 'name' as a required attribute with a constraint of min 4 to max 20 characters - will this pose a problem whe...
Hello everyone,
Everytime i signup to the application, i receive a code in my email and when i write it i get this error "email_verified: Attribute cannot be updated”:
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I am trying to authenticate users through their Gmail account using Identity Pool. I am successfully able to get Google id_token from Google but when I try to get AWS credentials after following this ...
I am trying to authenticate users through their Gmail account using Identity Pool. I am successfully able to get Google id_token from Google but when I try to get AWS credentials after following this ...
I have AWS Cognito User Pool federated with external SAML IdP (Salesforce). The SSO flow work as expected, and federated users are automatically created with username set to `%IdPName%_%NameID%` (as ...
I've connected 2 cognito user pools using OIDC. Source user pool has some custom attributes. After a successful user authentication, I received the user's email and other default attributes on destina...
I absolutely need, to support a 3rd party stupid flow, to exchange username (email) and password for a CODE. Then I'll exchange code for access and session token
Which api should I use?
I cannot fi...
We have a **mobile application** that uses Cognito for user authentication and authorization. We recently added the option to sign in via **Apple** as a **Federated Identity**. - When using the Cognit...
as title suggests, the error i'm getting doesn't leave me with many options.
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Hello guys,
I'm currently using Cognito preSignUp trigger to store users in my own database. To do so, I want to access the ID token that is generated by Google and save it in the database but I can'...
I have a user pool with a configured Federated SAML IDP in Cognito's AWS Console (User Pool > Sign-in Experience > Federated identity provider sign-in). Our users were able to login through this...
I have an Azure AD B2C Custom Policy, that gives me an identification token for the signed-in user along with the custom claims.
I want to integrate this B2C Custom Policy as a federated identity ...