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Questions tagged with AWS Directory Service
AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory, also known as AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD), enables your directory-aware workloads and AWS resources to use managed Active Directory (AD) in AWS.
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307 results
On AWS Managed Microsoft AD, how AWS secure the access to NETLOGON and SYSVOL shared folders on all managed Domain Controllers? to protect against "MS15-011: Vulnerability in Group Policy could allow ...
I have Windows 11 machines in my office and I'm creating a Microsoft Active Directory on AWS to manage users and machines. I created everything correctly, but I can't connect the domain to my office m...
I was notified that I need to rotate my krbtgt password. When attempting to do so following the guidance provided by AWS here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/simple_ad...
I have created workspaces using CLI, all the prerequisite steps (networking, directory creation, registering directory etc) were also done using CLI. After the creation of workspace, user doesn't rece...
Internal web app is built using Lambdas. Lambdas write data to MS SQL server. As of now DB credentials are stored in AWS secret manager for authentication but more secured is method is using AD kerber...
Hi all, I have an EC2 webserver sitting inside a private subnet that has an internal ALB and a site-to-site VPN with my on-premises network. Is it possible to use AWS AD connector to connect to my exi...
I want to use Media Live channels for my web application which is having the functionality to allow multiple users to parallel stream pre-recorded videos on different social media platforms lik...
I've followed [this guide](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directoryservice/latest/admin-guide/seamlessly_join_linux_instance.html) to setup seamless domain join for linux. and after launching an amazon l...
I'm looking to use Identity Center as the SAML IdP to connect to AD-joined AppStream. The basics are working, but we're looking to implement Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA). This requires ...
We are trying to join our Microsoft AD defined using AWS directory service to our parallel cluster headnode using the config file but it's not join seemlessly.
We fill the option as below to the pclu...
We are currently using Amazon Directory Service for our active directory management but would like to also use OpenDNS to disallow our users access to certain websites. Does anyone have experience wit...
At the moment, I understand the following regarding AWS Workspaces pools. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
**Option 1: Without AD, Custom Bundle**
* I authenticate via an (external) IdP (IAM Identity ...