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Questions tagged with Amazon CloudWatch Alarms
CloudWatch Alarms monitor metrics and send notifications or take automated actions when the thresholds are breached
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36 results
I am currently using an Amazon RDS instance with the instance type db.m5.large and manually scaling the compute capacity up and down as needed. I would like to automate this process using CloudWatch a...
I am trying to create a CloudWatch alarm for a group of Lambda functions that share a specific tag (e.g., Environment=qa01 or ApplicationName=Energy).
Currently, the alarm works when I specify exact ...
I am attempting to use a CMK from "Account A" to encrypt SNS topics in "Account B". Then, using Cloudwatch Alarms in Account B, I am trying to send messages using SNS, also in Account B.
The error o...
I’m using AWS CloudWatch Logs subscription filters to trigger a Lambda function based on certain log events. I want to trigger the Lambda only when both the words "fail" and "exception" appear in the ...
I have many ECS services on Fargate. Only one service communicates with the load balancer, and traffic to the other services goes through that gateway service. The other services make internal calls t...
Here is the improved version of the follow up question
We have cre...
I noticed a bug in the AWS Cloudwatch Metrics and Alarms system. I have configured my alarms and metrics on the log group /aws/lambda/monday-processor from my organization, and although all notificati...
Does CodeDeploy support deployment group rollbacks based on cross account CloudWatch Alarm monitors? I have a service account that deploys code changes to lambdas and I'm looking attach rollback alarm...
I have been worked with CloudWatch Alarms associated with Metric Filters and so far I've been able to work without any problems. I'm generating some alarms for errors related to the AppSync API and so...
I want to configure an alarm action to trigger a cross-account Lambda function when the alarm in the 'alarm' state.
I have added an alarm action for the alarm in account A, and I have also created the...
Hi Team,
I have a couple of questions regarding DNSSEC alerts and key rotation:
How can we test DNSSEC alerts effectively? Additionally, if an alert is triggered, how do we differentiate whether it ...
I have to setup multiple gluejob for the same sns notification for cloudwatch alarm. Currently i am providing only one glue job name ''RTD table replication' in job failed rule but can i provide mult...