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Questions in Networking & Content Delivery
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I am setting up email marketing campagin and they want me to set
CNAME records from their website to amazon domain DNS.
I already searched through relevant content but still cant figure out how to d...
Dear AWS Team,
We have launched our application server in EKS and we are trying to connect the oracle server which is running outside of the VPC through VPN tunneling. We are using cx_o...
I'd like to be able to correlate logs created by EKS pods to an Xray trace id. Requests initiate at API Gateway and use a Lambda to launch a pod in EKS. The logs are scraped by the CloudWatch agent an...
I have multiple AWS Greengrass components that use AWS LogManager to upload logs to Cloudwatch. Some are running on machines I have direct access to, and some are not.
Sometimes LogManager does not ...
I'm utilizing custom domains in Auth0 for my web and api applications, both running in ECS. I have established custom domains for my Auth0 tenant, and tested locally successfully, and deployed the cha...
So I'm trying to bring an ip bloc to EC2 and I receive this error when checking the status.
aws ec2 describe-byoip-cidrs --region us-east-1 --max-results 10
"ByoipCidrs": [
Hi Team,
Is there a manual process available to generate alarms for the following CloudWatch metrics?
I have a m5.large Redis with cluster disabled, using this for Redis Pub/Sub.
I want to publish messages (say 4 KB) at intervals of 10 seconds to 5000 users subscribed to a channel. Other than this, t...
I have a domain that is registered with Route 53
I attempted to create an identity in SES but I get a verification error.
I have verified the CNAME entries shown in SES are in my console for Route ...
I am trying to match a specific error log from cloudwatch log events for an expression like ` ERROR some random text here {pattern="value"} more text to follow` and i basically want to capture the reg...
I am encountering an issue with the SSL certificate validation process for my domain miestacionmeteorologicauy.com (Amazon Issued). The certificate is showing as "Pending Validation" and is ma...
I have an API Gateway set up in the UAE (me-central-1) region, and one of my REST APIs is taking more than 30 seconds to process requests. Due to the default 29-second timeout limit, a 504 error is oc...