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Questions in Application Integration
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3722 results
We have a producer (Lambda) and a consumer setup (ECS tasks) with a MSK (Kafka) as the queue service.
Let's say a producer (lambda in our case) puts a message on the broker and consumer cons...
I'm using step function to run Sagemaker training jobs.
Right now I have a distributed map step that is kicking off these training jobs, but it's running in serial due to these throttling exceptions....
Do I need to add config for this in SES? My SES is in sandbox mode..
Edit: Yes the sandbox mode stoped it, by going to production it works.
Hello all,
I enabled the SES Email option during instance creation and configured the following settings, but incoming emails are not being received by the agent, and I can't find the customer e...
hi. I added a service control policy to deny any user to delete the kms key. so all account (Except management) cannot schedule a key deletion. actually, when a user tries to delete the key, an error...
**Title:** Issue with EventBridge Rule Triggering SSM Document
I am trying to create an EventBridge rule that triggers whenever a new CloudWatch Log Group is created. The triggered...
Hi all,
I am setting up an SNS handler, and I understand that when working with SNS, I need to expose my endpoint to receive messages. However, this exposes my system to potential security risks (e.g...
Hi Team,
Is there a manual process available to generate alarms for the following CloudWatch metrics?
I have upgraded a Aurora Mysql-based serverless v1 to v2, and enabled Data API. I can access the database through the query editor and it works as expected.
Unfortunately I could not manage to connect...
I'm using CodePipeline Type: V2 with Execution mode: QUEUED.
When commits push, the executions get queued correctly.
However, when the pipeline is triggered by an EventBridge Schedule, it forces the...
Using AmazonMQ with ActiveMQ I am trying to set the port number to 443 so that we are using standard network ports and are not blocked by corporate firewalls. I have found the following bit of documen...
Are there any plans to add support for JSONata and variables in Step Functions Local(we use it to write automated tests for our step functions)? If so, could you provide an estimated timeline o...