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如何配置 HTTP API 以仅允许访问特定 IP 地址?
我想将 HTTP API 与 AWS Lambda 函数集成,以便仅授权和允许特定 IP 地址。
要限制 HTTP API 访问特定、预定义的 IP 地址,请以授权方身份部署 Lambda 函数。Lambda 函数执行 IP 地址验证,以确定传入的请求是否来自经批准的来源。然后,授权方根据 IP 地址授予或拒绝对 HTTP API 的访问权限。
创建 Lambda 函数
首先,创建 Lambda 函数以用作授权方。您可以将 Lambda 函数配置为使用环境变量作为允许列表:
Key: IP_RANGE, Value: ['','XX.XX.XX.XX']
Value(值)可以是您想要允许的特定 IP 地址,也可以是完整的 CIDR 范围。
部署代码后,为 Lambda 函数配置环境变量以将特定变量定义为 IP_RANGE。
出于安全考虑,最佳做法是使用 AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) 加密环境变量。
创建 HTTP API 以用作传入请求的入口点。由于 HTTP API 在默认情况下是公共的,因此使用授权方 Lambda 函数来控制访问权限。
连接 Lambda 授权方
将 Lambda 函数作为授权方关联到 API。当请求到达 API 时,授权方会根据允许列表评估源 IP 地址。如果授权方允许 IP 地址,则会授予对 HTTP API 端点的访问权限。否则,它会拒绝该请求。
要根据列入允许列表的环境变量评估 IP 地址,请使用以下 Lambda 函数示例:
**注意:**此示例传递了一个值为 secretcode 的 authorizationtoken。但是,您可以将这些参数配置为使用其他值。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ======================== # AWS Lambda Python Runtime # ======================== # Import necessary modules import os from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address import uuid import ast # Function to check if an IP address is within the specified IP range def check_ip(IP_ADDRESS, IP_RANGE): VALID_IP = False # Check if any of the elements in IP_RANGE contain a CIDR notation (e.g., "") cidr_blocks = list(filter(lambda element: "/" in element, IP_RANGE)) if cidr_blocks: for cidr in cidr_blocks: # Create an IP network from the CIDR notation net = ip_network(cidr) # Check if the IP_ADDRESS is within the network VALID_IP = ip_address(IP_ADDRESS) in net if VALID_IP: break # If the IP_ADDRESS is not within any CIDR block, check if it matches an exact IP in IP_RANGE if not VALID_IP and IP_ADDRESS in IP_RANGE: VALID_IP = True return VALID_IP # Lambda function handler def lambda_handler(event, context): # Extract the source IP address from the request's RequestContext IP_ADDRESS = event["requestContext"]["http"]["sourceIp"] # Parse the IP_RANGE environment variable, which is a list of allowed IP addresses or CIDR blocks IP_RANGE = ast.literal_eval(os.environ.get("IP_RANGE", "[]")) # Check if the source IP is within the allowed IP range VALID_IP = check_ip(IP_ADDRESS, IP_RANGE) # Extract relevant information from the request event # Extract the AWS API Gateway's API ID from the event API_ID = event["requestContext"]["apiId"] # Extract the AWS account ID from the event ACC_ID = event["requestContext"]["accountId"] # Extract the AWS API Gateway's Details Method, Stage and Route from the event METHOD = event["requestContext"]["http"]["method"] STAGE = event["requestContext"]["stage"] ROUTE = event["requestContext"]["http"]["path"] # Check if the request includes a valid authorization token and the source IP is allowed # Use the {region} based on the region of the API Gateway's configuration. if event["headers"]["authorizationtoken"] == "secretcode" and VALID_IP: # If authorized, allow the execution of the API response = { "principalId": f"{uuid.uuid4().hex}", "policyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": f"arn:aws:execute-api:{region}:{ACC_ID}:{API_ID}/{STAGE}/{METHOD}{ROUTE}", } ], }, "context": {"exampleKey": "exampleValue"}, } return response # If the request is not authorized or the IP is not allowed, deny execution # Use the Acc_ID, region & API_ID as per the HTTP API ID Details response = { "principalId": f"{uuid.uuid4().hex}", "policyDocument": { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": "execute-api:Invoke", "Effect": "Deny", "Resource": f"arn:aws:execute-api:{region}:{ACC_ID}:{API_ID}/*/*/*", } ], }, "context": {"exampleKey": "exampleValue"}, } return response
**注意:**如果您需要其他 Python 模块,则使用 pip 将模块安装到 Lambda 函数的环境中。使用所需的依赖项打包 Lambda 函数。
在将函数部署到生产环境之前,请务必在测试环境中测试该函数。要检查要访问 HTTP API 端点的 IP 地址,请使用访问日志记录。使用上下文变量识别 IP 地址,并通过 IP_RANGE 环境变量将该地址纳入您的允许列表。以下示例包含用于在 HTTP API 中记录访问权限的上下文变量:
{"ownerAccountId":"$context.accountId","apiId":"$context.apiId","requestId":"$context.requestId", / "ip":"$context.identity.sourceIp","requestTime":"$context.requestTime","httpMethod":"$context.httpMethod", / "routeKey":"$context.routeKey","status":"$context.status","protocol":"$context.protocol", / "responseLength":"$context.responseLength","errorMessage":"$context.error.message", / "errorMessageString":"$context.error.messageString","extendedRequestId":"$context.extendedRequestId", / "responseLatency":"$context.responseLatency","stage":"$context.stage","path":"$context.path", / "requestTimeEpoch":"$context.requestTimeEpoch","protocol":"$context.protocol","userAgent":"$context.identity.userAgent", / "errorResponseType":"$context.error.responseType","integrationStatus":"$context.integration.status", / "integrationErrorMessage":"$context.integrationErrorMessage","integrationRequestId":"$context.integration.requestId", / "integrationLatency":"$context.integration.latency","integrationStatusfromIntegration":"$context.integration.integrationStatus", / "integrationError":"$context.integration.error","awsEndpointRequestId":"$context.awsEndpointRequestId", / "customAuthorizerUser":"$context.identity.user","authorizerProperty":"$", / "customAuthorizerprincipalId":"$context.authorizer.principalId","authorizerError":"$context.authorizer.error"}
变量 ip":"$context.identity.sourceIp 提供请求 API 端点的 IP 地址。这使您可以识别 IP 地址并将其添加到您的允许列表中。

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