当我使用 PowerShell 启动多个 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) 实例时,我有时会收到 RequestLimitExceeded 错误。
Amazon EC2 API 的 RequestLimitExceeded 错误通常表示请求速率限制或资源速率限制 API 节流。您可以结合使用重试逻辑和指数回退策略来解决这一问题。
启动 Amazon EC2 实例属于一种突变调用,它受到请求速率和资源速率限制的约束。您用于启动实例的脚本必须要能适应令牌桶的重新填充速率。
使用以下延迟调用或重试策略之一,以避免出现 RequestLimitExceeded 错误。
**注意:**适用于 .NET 的 AWS SDK 具有内置重试机制,该机制默认情况下处于启用状态。要自定义超时,请参阅重试和超时。
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
# Example Code to launch 50 EC2 instances of type 'm5a.large'.
try {
$params = @{
ImageId = '<AMI_ID>'
InstanceType = 'm5a.large'
AssociatePublicIp = $false
SubnetId = '<Subnet_ID>'
MinCount = 10
MaxCount = 10
for ($i=0;$i<=5;$i++){
$instance = New-EC2Instance @params
Start-Sleep 5000 #Sleep for 5 seconds to allow Request bucket to refill at the rate of 2 requests per second
} catch {
Write-Error "An Exception Occurred!"
# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
#Example Code to launch 50 EC2 instances of type 'm5a.large'.
$Stoploop = $false
[int] $Retrycount = "0"
do {
try {
$params = @{
ImageId = '<AMI_ID>'
InstanceType = 'm5a.large'
AssociatePublicIp = $false
SubnetId = '<Subnet_ID>'
MinCount = 50
MaxCount = 50
$instance = New-EC2Instance @params
$Stoploop = $true
} catch {
if ($Retrycount -gt 3) {
Write - Host "Could not complete request after 3 retries."
$Stoploop = $true
} else {
Write-Host "Could not complete request retrying in 5 seconds."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 25
#25 seconds of sleep allows for 50 request tokens to be refilled at the rate of 2/sec
$Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
} While($Stoploop -eq $false)
Amazon EC2 API 的请求节流