How to fix 'We can't sign into your account'


On Friday I upgraded a Windows 10 Workspace to Power Pro, and it has been unusable ever since. Whenever I connect to my workspace now, it shows a popup saying "We can't sign into your account." In this state it appears to be putting me into a guest account where I don't have access to my user files. That's a huge problem, as I have several weeks' worth of work from some very long computational runs that I can't access now, and I'm approaching a deadline.

The popup also says that signing out and signing in again usually fixes the problem, but that doesn't work. I tried rebooting the machine, and that doesn't work. I tried Restore Workspace, and that doesn't work either. I'm at wit's end, and I'm especially upset because the only reason I did the upgrade was because AWS tech support asked me to. And now they're not answering my requests for help.

Any ideas?

已提问 1 年前352 查看次数
1 回答

Hi there.

What was the original issue you contacted AWS Support in the first place? Can you attempt to switch back your workspace configuration to the previous size?


profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前
  • The original issue was sessions frequently interrupted, some times taking upwards of 20 minutes to reconnect, even though round-trip times reported by the Workspaces client were well under 100 msec during those 20 minutes. I haven't tried switching configuration back to previous size yet; I've been a bit hesitant to change much of anything for fear of losing the contents of my user folder, assuming they aren't already lost.

  • Have you tried login with the guest account as you describe and then open Windows Explorer with "run as" and using your credentials?

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