Elastic Beanstalk environment updates impossible since UI change


First, is there a way to get the old EB UI back? The new one requires too many clicks to even get started. It would also automatically solve my issue.

Currently, all I want to do is update a single environment variable in the management console. However, this is not possible because apparently other things are now also checked even if nothing is changed at all. I cannot continue without getting:

"You can't edit listener rule options for a shared load balancer after the environment is created. You can't edit listener rule options for a shared load balancer after the environment is created." (yes, it is written twice)

I am not editing any listener rules! This happens for all my environments. They have a shared application load balancer attached, but this never caused any issues when just updating something like an environment variable. Any ideas?

已提问 1 年前87 查看次数

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