Sagemaker pipeline condition step and workflow path


Enter image description here I'm trying to implement a pipeline as shown in the image. If 'AblaoneMSECond' is true then 'face_processing' and 'sentiment_processing' should be executed else 'face_attr_processing' and 'sentiment_processing' should be executed.

But when the cond is true the workflow stops with 'face_processing' and the 'sentiment_processing' step is not executed as its waiting for 'face_attr_processing' step.

Is there a way to continue with 'sentiment_processing' even if 'face_attr_processing' is not executed ?

已提问 9 个月前561 查看次数
1 回答


Thank you for using AWS SageMaker service. Condition step is used to evaluate the condition of step properties to assess which action should be taken next in the pipeline.

A condition step requires a list of conditions, a list of steps to run if the condition evaluates to true, and a list of steps to run if the condition evaluates to false.

Condition step has the following limitations :

  • SageMaker Pipelines doesn't support the use of nested condition steps. You can't pass a condition step as the input for another condition step.
  • A condition step can't use identical steps in both branches. If you need the same step functionality in both branches, duplicate the step and give it a different name. [1]

Kindly attempt creating a duplicate step with a different name in last step and if the issue still persists, please reach out to AWS Support[2] (Sagemaker), along with your issue/use case in detail and share relevant AWS resource names. We will troubleshoot accordingly.

[1] Condition Step -


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