what is shared services VPC/Account ?


Hi Gurus,

At my client place they keeping talking about resources like DB's running in shared services/shared service VPC/shared services account and i'm confused how is it different from having your aws resources in any other aws account/vpc?

Can someone please explain me in simple terms the advantage of having resources in shared services over regular VPC?


已提问 5 年前1185 查看次数
3 回答

for that scenario, it's really just an architectural decision..there isn't necessarily a 'shared services' service at AWS..other than vpc interface gateway.

for a single customer/mutliple accounts or vpc...it's just a matter of isolating the particular service (e.g. rds database) in a subnet or subnets and allowing access to that from other vpcs via routes and security groups.

the transit gateway really functions as the next generation vpc peering, so that, I think, is the better option...but it's a region-specific construct, so if you can across accounts or vpcs, use the same region in all places..it should perform better as well.

已回答 5 年前

Shared services can be many things and have different advantages depending on the particular need.

You should review vpc endpoints:
As well as understand vpc peering/Transit Gateway

Generally speaking, if you are talking about across-customer shared servics, looking at vpc endpoints is a secure way to manage access to specific services. if it's just for a single customer, having a dedicated vpc using shared services and then using vpc peering or transit gateway help keep things secure and manageable. Having it in a separate account entirely can help simplify the cost tier as well.

已回答 5 年前

Sorry, is it same as shared VPC then? I'm having tough time to get around this shared service concept.

same customer different accounts/vpc.


Edited by: sali on Mar 2, 2019 8:40 AM

已回答 5 年前

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