CloudFront HTTP headers


I'd like to analyze the number of requests, for example, that contain the HTTP headers that I've included in my CloudFront cache key. How can I do this? For example, when I created my caching policy, I enabled the CloudFront-Is-Mobile/SmartTV/Desktop-Viewer headers because I'd like to see how many requests originate from these different device types. I thought the HTTP header information would be available in CloudFront standard logs, but no such luck. Where to look?

已提问 1 年前485 查看次数
1 回答

Have you tried using AWS WAF in front of your cloud front? Using WAF ACL rule you will be able to filter any custom http header (and it's value) and based on the header/value you can Deny/Accept/Count/CAPCHA the request. You can also insert custom http header before redirecting to down stream system.

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已回答 1 年前

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