Can we only have ONE Network Firewall per VPC? Is Net Firewall the only service with the naming convention vpce-<id> for it's endpoints?


I have a few questions for Network Firewalls.

  1. Can we onlyhave one per vpc?
  2. Is Net Firewall the only service with the naming convention vpce-<id> for it's endpoints?
1 回答
  1. You can have more than one Network Firewall per VPC but I'd question why you want to do that. If you're trying to maintain separation of traffic between separate applications I'd strongly recommend separate VPCs (and even separate accounts) as it gives you much easier ways of controlling access (human and network) with less risk of permission overlap than putting everything in a single VPC.
  2. No, other services use a similar naming convention. Again, why? Knowing this helps to give better, more contextual answers.
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已回答 2 年前
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已审核 2 年前

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