Integrate lambda with step functions


This is what I'm trying to achieve. How to;

  1. Deploy the ready-built bedrock (chatbot) model in lambda+api gateway (suitable for step functions). Is it web-sockets or API ?
  2. Connect lambda & step functions
  3. Attach persistent storage for session & state management
  4. Show chat interactions in step-functions. Collect input & output and store them
  5. Create choice state as per the content
已提问 1 个月前145 查看次数
1 回答

1.Deploy Lambda Function with API Gateway:

Create or upload your Lambda function code that contains the logic for your chatbot.

Configure an API Gateway trigger for your Lambda function. This will allow you to expose your Lambda function as a RESTful API endpoint, making it suitable for integration with Step Functions.

Choose the HTTP method (e.g., POST) and endpoint URL path for your API Gateway endpoint.

Connect Lambda and Step Functions: Open the AWS Step Functions console and create a new state machine.

Define the states in your state machine, including the Lambda function invocation state. You can add an "Invoke Lambda Function" state and configure it to invoke your Lambda function via the API Gateway endpoint.

Connect the states in your state machine using transitions, specifying the conditions or criteria for transitioning between states. Attach Persistent Storage for Session & State Management:

For session and state management, you can use AWS services like Amazon DynamoDB or Amazon Aurora for persistent storage.

Within your Lambda function code, implement logic to read and write session data to the chosen storage solution. Ensure that the session data is maintained across invocations of the Lambda function.

Show Chat Interactions in Step Functions:

To capture input and output from the chat interactions in Step Functions, you can use the input and output parameters of the Lambda function invocation state.

Define the structure of input and output data in your state machine, and ensure that the Lambda function returns the expected data format. Create Choice State as per the Content:

If you need to create choice states based on the content of the chat interactions, you can use the "Choice" state in Step Functions.

Define conditions based on the content of the chat interactions to determine the next state to transition to.

You can use the output of the Lambda function invocation state as input to the choice state for decision-making.

已回答 1 个月前

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