SQS redrive bug?


I have "Queue A", which has a DLQ setup to go to "Queue A DLQ"

I have initiated an SQS redrive from "Queue A DLQ", with the following settings (defaults): https://cln.sh/EHlU3Cva7NZrd3jttAls

However, this resulted in the following task (ID: ded5f22d-4302-405b-863f-285067da05d9): https://cln.sh/JedVr7RASjdDML01g1X8

Notice that there is no source queue set on that task.

So all of the messages just vanished into nowhere. I had confirmed that by looking at the monitoring and there were no messages sent during that time.

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已提问 2 年前869 查看次数
2 回答

But on the task itself (my second screenshot) it also does not show the queues.

I mean I have no explanation then... The messages have vanished?

I can see the entry in the Cloud Trail too and everything looks fine.

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已回答 2 年前
  • The second screenshot just shows what you chose when you started the re-drive, i.e., you chose to send to the source queue. You could have chosen to send the messages to some other queue, in that case, you would probably see the queue name there.


I tried it myself by creating 2 queues and a DLQ. I configured both queues to send unhandled messages to the DLQ. I then sent a few messages to each (using the console Send And receive messages button and I saw the messages in the queue. I Polled for the messages in both queues several times (until the retries were exhausted) and all the messages were sent to the DLQ. I polled for the messages in the DLQ and I saw all messages there. I then started a Redrive task, and selected to redrive to the original queue. All the messages were sent to the their source queue without an issue (was able to verify using the Poll for message).

BTW, the redrive. task shows: source queue/s as this is what you chose. As expected, it doesn't show the queue names (I guess as at the point of starting the task it doesn't know which are the source queues which configured this queue as their DLQ).

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已回答 2 年前
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已审核 3 个月前

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