How to provide shared link for a resource in Amazon Workdocs through rest api?


As far as I know, we can add resource permissions to resource on basis of recipient id.

But how to create a shared link and give different level of access like View, Edit or Public and also set link expiry time programmatically/through rest api? I know that we can give access levels through UI but could not find a way to do it programmatically.

  • Thank you for posting your question to re:Post about WorkDocs APIs.

    WorkDocs currenly provides supported REST APIs documented here:

    Anything that is not documented is not supported yet. We are prioritizing APIs to be published on an ongoing basis. Creating a share programmatically falls into this category of API. We will consider your request as a data point for our prioritization.

    Thank you.

已提问 2 年前331 查看次数
1 回答

Adding Kam Lau to answer your question.

已回答 2 年前

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