Unable to establish DNSSEC chain of trust for .com domain hosted in Route 53


When setting up DNSSEC for our example.com domain in the Route 53 console, I am able to complete the first part successfully. Now I need to establish the chain of trust. AWS help tells me to add a DS record. However, DS is not an option in the "type of record dropdown" when using Quick Create.

Using the wizard produces this error message: InvalidChangeBatch 400: RRSet of type DS with DNS name example.com. is not permitted in zone example.com.

Does AWS automatically add the DS records for the .com zone?

已提问 1 年前334 查看次数
1 回答

The following documents appear to support DNSSEC settings themselves.
I was wondering if there is something wrong with the way it is set up?

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已回答 1 年前

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