Denied access to JSON file



New to this so I hope this isn't a completely silly question, but I have set up an S3 bucket connected to a Cloudfront distribution in order to feed a Roku Channel. The bucket permissions block public access and only allow the Cloudfront distribution access. I can access the video content no problem through the web browser using the cloudfront end point. However, when I attempt to access the JSON feed file with the browser, I get an access denied response. I am confused, should the JSON file be accessible if the video files are accessible? What have I done wrong?

  • How are you accessing JSON feed file, through cloudfront or using object s3 url in browser?

  • I am using the cloudfront. This is the funny thing. It wasn't working all morning, then I tried again a few seconds ago and I was able to access it, but when I tried using the same cloudfront url a few seconds later, I got an access denied message again. Very confused.

  • Okay, now it's accessing it with no issue. Still very confused. Not sure what happened.

  • I just provided you a document link, which you can refer if you face this issue again. It has variety of scenarios.

1 回答

I'd suggest you to look at this Knowledge Center Article if you face this issue again.

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