Embedding the open search dashboard in react webapp


We created the dashboard in open search dashboard. We clicked share and generate link as saved object and copied iFrame code. I pasted the coped code in the react app and ran from local machine i.e local host. It did not render the dashboard views, but it failed with error saying X-Frame-Options is not allowing the open search dashboard to be embedded in local host .

I guess we need to set this X-Frame-Options from the server side. Since the Open search dashboard is hosted and managed by aws, I am not sure how to make the dashboard server to allow it to render it on our website hosted in our domain or in local host.

Any help on this topic will be super helpful ?

I posted this question in open search forum - https://forum.opensearch.org/t/embedding-the-open-search-dashboard-in-react-webapp/12237?u=gvnavin .

But it seems the forum is not active much to get response and resolution.

已提问 1 年前802 查看次数
1 回答

We check this with AWS support. It looks like the open search dashboard is embeddable when the url is not having any access control. We have cognito based authorization added on top of open search. Hence it is not working.

已回答 1 年前
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已审核 2 个月前

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