Lambda function is no longer writing records to AWS Timestream


I'm not sure if something changed on AWS, but I didn't change anything on my side on the lambda function or the db/tables in AWS Timestream.

I'm testing my lambda and it works, but it doesn't write to AWS Timestream. I'm very confused.

I can see in logs that everything goes through and I'm not seeing any errors... and when I query my Timestream DB it doesn't return anything - unless I go way back when it was working properly.

  • Can you check if region is expected?

  • Can't say much about the root cause this early but not seeing any error in logs can be to due to other multiple reasons like eaten up exception or insufficient logging. So, in such case, Tracing shall give you some hints. Given you are using Lambda, have you turned-on XRay tracing for the lambda and have you tried looking at that?

    Please try that, if not already and it may given you some hints.


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