Couldn't find a project to run.


I have need of a way to do some programming in the locked down environment that I work in. I am a .NET programmer, and Cloud9 looks like it could be the answer. But working through the ".NET tutorial for AWS Cloud9" I Get the following error: "Couldn't find a project to run. Ensure a project exists in /home/ec2-user/environment, or pass the path to the project using --project." I swear the build works, I copied the run for a .NET project and saved to the right directory, but can't seem to run the project, anyone have any ideas?

已提问 10 个月前279 查看次数
1 回答

OK, gentle people found my answer right after posting my question. I guess if you don't exactly follow the directions in the tutorial, hello and the s3 tutorials, but instead go Run/Run With and select Dot net it modifies the run just a bit. Instead of in the command, s3 my-test-bucket us-east-2 it is s3/Program.cs htroll-test-bucket-1 us-west-1, which frankly seems odd to me? Anyway hope this helps some other hapless soul.

已回答 10 个月前

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