HTTP 4xx Error in WordPress Deployed in Elastic Beanstalk


The health of the environment in Elastic Beanstalk went to severe with this error "100.0 % of the requests are erroring with HTTP 4xx. Insufficient request rate (6.0 requests/min) to determine application health."

I already checked the Inbound Rule and it accepts http and https protocols in the security group. Please help how to fix this error. Thanks!

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已提问 1 年前539 查看次数
1 回答

It's a 4xx error, so I think you need to check the WordPress directories, etc. rather than looking at the security group settings.
Perhaps changing the ALB health check path to "/wordpress/", since it is set to "/", will solve the problem.
The other solution would be to change the Nginx document root.
The document root can be changed by following the steps in the following document.
Changing to "/wordpress" may solve the problem.

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已回答 1 年前
profile pictureAWS
已审核 1 年前
  • Thanks for your help Riku! I inserted "/wordpress/" to the Path under Health Checks. The http 4xx error has gone and the remaining error is "Process default has been unhealthy for 9 hours (Target.ResponseCodeMismatch)." still "Severe" status.

  • Does restarting EC2, etc. not fix the problem? It may be fixed over time.

  • I restarted the environment. Only the 4xx error was removed and the error "Process default has been unhealthy for 9 hours (Target.ResponseCodeMismatch)." remained the same. I will check again tomorrow and try to resolve this, else I will post this in another thread to avoid confusion. I really appreciate your help Riku.

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