"www" address of website


I registered a website with Route 53 and hosted it on an S3 bucket with website enabled. The site works fine, as long as I type it in exactly as it appears on the "Hosted zones" page. However, if I type "www." before it, I get a DNS error.

How do I configure Route 53 so that it works with the www address before it? I tried creating a new Hosted Zone and setting it up with a bucket that redirects to the main one, but that seemed to have no effect.

Edited by: griggszm on Jul 21, 2019 1:29 PM

已提问 5 年前254 查看次数
1 回答

You need to do two things,

Create a new S3 bucket called www.<yourdomain>
Configure it to redirect web traffic to your original S3 bucket.

Then go back to your hosted zone entry, add a new A record within that domain with the name 'www'
Click yes for alias and point it to your new www S3 bucket. You should now have 2 A records - one pointing to the <your-domain> S3 bucket and one pointing to www.<your-domina> S3 bucket

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