Network error when creating a labeling job - S3 bucket in input dataset location cannot be reached


Currently trying to set up an AWS Sagemaker Named Entity Recognition (NER) labeling job with this guide:

I successfully uploaded my dataset to S3, but when I create my job I get this error: NetworkingError: Network Failure - The S3 bucket 'foreign-news-dataset' you entered in Input dataset location cannot be reached. Either the bucket does not exist, or you do not have permission to access it. If the bucket does not exist, update Input dataset location with a new S3 URI. If the bucket exists, give the IAM entity you are using to create this labeling job permission to read and write to this S3 bucket, and try your request again.

I've tried testing if the dataset exists, which it does, and AWS successfully generated a manifest file for my dataset when passing in the S3 path to the dataset directory (I originally tried using the automated data setup option).

I also created an IAM role inside of the AWS tool with permissions to access all of the files on the account, so I think it should have permission to this S3 Bucket. Screenshots attached of my setup.

S3 Bucket Setup

Sagemaker settings

IAM role settings

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