App runner certificates for subdomain pending after several tries.


I have tried adding a subdomain ex. to apprunner certificates as not to use the domain. The certificates show pending. I've waited a long time 24-48 hours to no avail. I copied the name and value from the below to my cname records of the my domain (replaced here with [mydomain]). Is there something wrong with what I am doing. I copied the cnames and quadruple checked them. I followed the directions that are on the aws console for custom domains in app runner as well. Notice no matter how long I wait I still get the pending_validation as the status.

I used a describe-custom-domains response to get the keys to get the following:

"DNSTarget": "[theapprunnergeneratednumber]", "ServiceArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:882159904520:service/scheduling-api-rest/4c4ddd6ca04547d7b4af536d842bbaf7", "CustomDomains": [ { "DomainName": "", "EnableWWWSubdomain": false, "CertificateValidationRecords": [ { "Name": "_e49b49c61116886a2f5e1184fdd61a44.service1.[mydomain].net.", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION" }, { "Name": "_1f199d0c16d3219290be892c4371fb92.2a57j78h5fsbzb7ey72hbx9c01pbxcf.service1.[mydomain].net.", "Type": "CNAME", "Value": "", "Status": "PENDING_VALIDATION" } ], "Status": "pending_certificate_dns_validation" } ],

  • Does anyone at Amazon know what is wrong here. I think there is a bug in the system I'm doing everything correctly. Did anyone else experience this.


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