description of automatic increase of Spot instance quotas


The "Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide for Linux Instances" contains in the chapter "Spot Instance quotas" in the last paragraph with the headline "Request a quota increase" the statement: "Even though Amazon EC2 automatically increases your Spot Instance quotas based on your usage, you can request a quota increase if necessary."

Even after thorough research I didn't find any explanation how EC2 increases Spot instance quotas automatically, especially for instances with those quota types whose default quotas are set to 0 on new accounts. Especially for these instances new users need an increase of the quotas and should be interested in a way of doing this automatically.

On the other hand I also looked for an explanation what criteria the AWS support uses for deciding quota increase requests. It should be in the interest for the users as well as for the AWS support that such requests meet the AWS criteria in advance to avoid long lasting questions and discussions. Especially interesting is the question if increase requests below a certain level will be approved quickly and without questions so that simple tests with only one instance can be done quickly.


已提问 6 个月前157 查看次数
1 回答


As stated in the document you shared, your quota will automatically increase based on your past usage.

The specifications are similar for On-Demand Instances.

Q: Will these limits change over time?

Yes, limits can change over time. Amazon EC2 is constantly monitoring your usage within each region and your limits are raised automatically based on your use of EC2.

However, I don't think the standards for automatic increase are mentioned in the documentation.
Probably due to the internal structure of AWS, they may not be able to tell you even if you contact AWS Support.

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