How to enable write operations on Mysql RDS green environment


Hi Team,

After you create the blue/green deployment, the DB instance in the green environment is read-only by default. Can anyone help How to enable write operations on Mysql RDS green environment.

已提问 1 年前1344 查看次数
2 回答

Yes, you can create a custom parameter group with read_only=0, and then apply this to the green environment. This will allow you to make changes to green. However please do be careful that you do not make changes that will break the replication from blue. -Phil

已回答 1 年前
  • My green environment parameter group already has read_only=0 and is still read only.

    We need to do this in order to test the new configuration as our software writes session tokens to the database. We won't run into replication conflicts as we will be using a database that isn't in use in the Blue environment


When you create a blue/green deployment for an RDS MySQL instance, the DB instance in the green environment is created as a read-only replica of the DB instance in the blue environment. This is to ensure that any changes made during the deployment process do not affect the production database until the green environment has been fully tested and approved for production use.

**What are you trying to achieve? **

From [] (Overview of Amazon RDS Blue/Green Deployments) :

During testing, we recommend that you keep your databases in the green environment read only. We recommend that you enable write operations on the green environment with caution because they can result in replication conflicts in the green environment. They can also result in unintended data in the production databases after switchover.

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已回答 1 年前

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