No one Answer the previous Post: SSL Not work Entire Website, Only Home Page SSL Visible


Hi there,

I have wrote posted my question previously but won't get response. Furthermore, the issue is here

SSL is only visible to home and if I click on other pages neither SSL green pad visible also Website Ip shows on other pages as well.

However, all website pages must work perfectly under the domain name rather website open other page with website static ip with non ssl

I have not good experience with Amazon light because there are plenty of things still complicated and no proper support is available from amazon.

Kindly provide steps with commands how to fix this issue.

Secondly, I have plenty of website emails which was stuck due to unable to create webmail account on amazon light sail, so write down the steps and commands so I COULD ABLE TO create webmail so I could start receiving email.

Thirdly, let me know how would I do smtp configuration on website, like I have plenty of forms to be submit before this I have to configure SMTP in my website

kindly provide precise answer with commands not reference link.

I already face huge loss due to amazon light sail . My website down since 3 days due to complex configurations on server which is still under going

looking forward to hearing from you

Thanks Amir

1 回答

For the Pad locks and SSL please see:-

Some of the top menus on your webpage do not have the correct URL Links. They will need updating. The Items on the menus however do have the correct page links.

Home is broken, Who We are is ok, Contact Us is ok, Services is broken.. Just ensure the broken links on the menu are configured the same as the working ones.

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已回答 1 年前
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已审核 1 年前
  • Secondly, I have plenty of website emails which was stuck due to unable to create webmail account on amazon light sail, so write down the steps and commands so I COULD ABLE TO create webmail so I could start receiving email.

    Thirdly, let me know how would I do smtp configuration on website, like I have plenty of forms to be submit before this I have to configure SMTP in my website

    kindly provide precise answer with commands not reference link.

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