Cannot add Amazon WorkMail for a domain



I have a domain that I bought through Route 53 back in early July and I'm trying to add Amazon WorkMail to it. When I click "Manage Domains" on the WorkMail Org, I see my domain with status stuck in "Pending Verification". If I click into that, I see the following at the top of the page:

Amazon Route 53 hosted zone is not configured correctly
Your Route 53 hosted zone  for this domain needs to be set as authoritative. To learn how to set a hosted zone as authoritative, see Migrating DNS  in the AWS Route 53 Developer Guide.

Below it is a list of records it suggests I need to add. I did copy all those and add them to a new hosted zone I created myself (there was no default Hosted Zone with the - HostedZone created by Route53 Registrar description)

I see no option to hit the "Update all in Route 53" that I've done for other domains.

But I still see the same Amazon Route 53 hosted zone is not configured correctly message.

I have other domains that don't have the same problem.

Any ideas? Thanks

已提问 10 个月前221 查看次数
1 回答


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing problems with adding you domain in WorkMail. The error is for route 53 hostedzones that are not the authority on the domain. Have you updated the NS records to match the ones from the hosted zone?

Kind regards, Robin

已回答 10 个月前
  • Thanks for replying, where would I update the name servers with the list I have in the hosted zone?

  • Hi, you need to update the NS records with your registered domain with the ones from the hosted zone. Before you change these records make sure write down the existing hosted zones in case you need to rollback the change. Robin

  • Found a list on the Route 53 registered domains that didn't match the ones in the hosted zone. I've copied the ones from the hosted zone over and will see what happens.

  • Thank you for your help - that worked

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