NoSQL Workbench: It is not possible to manually add/edit rows of sample Facet Data after 3.8.1 upgrade


Hi there. I had an older release where it was possible to click on a facet and then add rows with sample data manually. Now, there is only an "Add sample data" option which does a poor job as the default "sample data format" list is not exhaustive for my use case.

The only way to manually enter sample data is by going to the table level, but then, I lose any accusation to the facet that data belongs to.

The only way right now I have is to manually edit JSON.

Was this functionality intentionally removed? Any plans to bring it back? Forcing users to switch to the new auto-generating logic is questionable, to say at least.

Also, if this is not planned to revert, please give a link for the older version download and instructions on how to disable auto-update.

UPD: It is also not possible anymore to import the same .json file with the schema to override the existing schema. I have to delete the model and import it from scratch.


已提问 8 个月前474 查看次数
2 回答

You can edit data in Facets of a Data Model in NoSQL Workbench by following the next steps:

  1. Open NoSQL Workbench, DynamoDB - Visualizer section.
  2. Select a Data Model in the drop-down list.
  3. Select (left click) a table, which you are going to edit.
  4. Click on Actions button in the top right corner, then "edit data".
  5. Click on a Facet, you are going to edit.
  6. You will see a screen, where each attribute (element) is in edit mode.
  7. Click "Save Changes" when you complete editing.

Regarding your UPD question. The feature to override the existing schema was not changed in the latest version of the tool. Could you share the steps which lead to this issue with the team, please:

profile pictureAWS
已回答 8 个月前
  • First of all. Thanks! I am able to edit facets data. It's just different now.

    The feature to override the existing schema...

    Regarding this. I figured that it allows importing only on the "Data modeler" view not on "Visualizer" view as it seems to be before. Or I might recall it wrong. Have a nice day!



I can understand that with the older versions you were able to click on a facet and add rows with sample data manually but after the upgrade there is only an “Add sample data” option which is not that efficient as the “sample data format” list is not exhaustive for your use-case. I have talked to the NoSQL Workbench service team and could confirm you that they are reviewing the old vs new versions and the issue with Facet will be fixed soon. However, I cannot provide any ETA on this, Once the fix is deployed it will be autoupdated to the current version.

That being said, the autoupdate couldn't be disabled in any of the versions. Even if you download the older version, it would become the newest in 2-3 mins. However, if you still want to try downloading the older version please refer to the below links.


I hope the above information helps. Please feel free to raise a ticket if you need to be addressed with any specific concerns/if you want updates or progress on the deployment of the fix. Thank you!

已回答 8 个月前

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