How to connect properly AWS IoT Core to DocumentDB


Hi, I would like to connect my documentDB to an AWS IoT Core properly (do something similar to IoT Core -> Dynamo Db with a rule). I need it to be highly scalable to handle millions of devices. Has someone done that before? What are the best practices?

Thanks in advance !

已提问 2 年前788 查看次数
2 回答

Hi. In general, if AWS IoT Rules Engine doesn't have an action to route data to a particular service, Lambda would be a way to achieve it.

AWS IoT Core -> Rule -> Lambda -> DocumentDB

If you had a high rate of messages coming through, you could consider to insert something like SQS or KDS between the Rule and the Lambda, so the Lambda does batch processing of messages. This would help lower costs.

These would be amongst the simplest patterns to achieve what you want.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前

Hi there

From the note, I understand you want to connect my documentDB to an AWS IoT Core properly and you need it to be highly scalable to handle millions of devices. Please correct me if my understand is wrong.

Please note you would have to configure the IoT devices with a MongoDB client and use the SDK to insert data to DocumentDB but this is an out of scope solution for Support and would require your developers to build it.

I hope the above information is helpful.

References: 1. 2.

已回答 2 年前

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