Domain name is not resolving globally after migration


Hello Team,

Recently (2 days before) we have migrated HostedZone from Godaddy to Route53. Seems to be, still my domain and subdomains is not resolving globally.

My root domain is placed in Godaddy and i have created NS in Route53 and placed in Godaddy. So i have created all my subdomains in Route53.

for example, is woking for some country and doesn't working for some other counutry?

Is there any way to speedup this process? or should I wait for DNS propogation?

Do we have any control to DNS flush or anything?

  • please accept the answer if it was useful

已提问 3 个月前379 查看次数
3 回答

From the GoDaddy docs:

Usually DNS changes will propagate within a few hours, but it can take up to 48 hours for everything to propagate across the Internet.

If the NS records are correctly pointed to Route 53 but issues persist, contacting GoDaddy support can help rule out any issues on the registrar side.

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已回答 3 个月前
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已审核 2 个月前
  • Hi Oleksii, Why do i need connect Godaddy? - Domain is purchased from Godaddy. But I have created HostedZone in AWS Route53 and place this NS value in Godaddy. Then all my subdomains are available in Route53 HostedZone. My subdomains is not propogating completely means its working in some country and it doesn't working in some other countries.

  • DNS caching may take longer in different locations. it can take up to 48 hours for the changes to fully propagate across the internet


When you migrate a domain's DNS from one provider to another, such as from GoDaddy to Route 53, it can take time for the changes to propagate globally. This propagation process is governed by DNS caching mechanisms across the internet, and it's not something you can control directly. Here are some suggestions and explanations:

  1. DNS Propagation Time: DNS propagation typically takes up to 48 hours to complete globally, although in many cases, it happens much faster. During this time, some users may still be directed to the old DNS servers while others are directed to the new ones.

  2. Check DNS Configuration: Ensure that your DNS records in Route 53 are correctly configured, including the NS (Name Server) records pointing to Route 53. Also, verify that all necessary DNS records, including A, CNAME, MX, etc., are correctly set up in Route 53 for your domain and subdomains.

  3. TTL (Time-to-Live): Lowering the TTL of your DNS records before the migration can help speed up propagation. This reduces the amount of time DNS resolvers and caches hold onto old records. However, this change should be made well in advance of the migration, as it won't have an immediate effect once propagation has started.

  4. Flush DNS Cache: While you cannot directly flush the DNS cache globally, you can clear the DNS cache on your local machine or network devices. This might help if your local DNS resolver is still holding onto old records. Instructions for flushing DNS cache vary depending on your operating system and device.

  5. Global Testing: Use online DNS lookup tools from different locations to verify DNS resolution for your domain and subdomains. This can help you determine whether the issue is localized or global.

  6. Monitor DNS Health: Route 53 provides DNS health checks that you can configure to monitor the status of your DNS records globally. This can help you identify any issues with DNS resolution and track the progress of propagation.

  7. Contact Support: If you've waited for an extended period and are still experiencing issues, consider reaching out to AWS Support for assistance. They can help troubleshoot any problems with your Route 53 configuration or DNS propagation.

In most cases, it's best to wait for DNS propagation to complete naturally, as attempting to force changes or make additional updates during propagation can cause further delays or complications.

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已回答 3 个月前

Hello everyone,

Mistaken was mine!

I forget to remove the DS record from Godaddy and forget to create or configure DNSSEC in AWS route53. So I have to remove the DS record from Godaddy and update the Route53 DS record to Godaddy.

As a result, chain trust relationship has been failed which leads domains is not propogate properly.

After creating new DS record from Route53 and update this DS record in Godaddy, DNS propogation is perfectly working.


已回答 3 个月前

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