Migration from AWS KSM to a combined solution with CloudHSM


Hey, I'm working on a solution that I want to propose to my customer for a move to cloud project. They want to start with a small of services and cost on AWS. So I have to start to land the applications in AWS with limited services. For encryption purpose, I'll start with AWS KMS only at the beginning with a dedicated CMK for each application and each related AWS service. But the customer want to possess the key material for the new step of the project. That's why I suggest to bring CloudHSM with AWS KMS. However, I don't know what can be the impact of this new encryption services combination, on the existing keys, backed up keys, ...?

Do you have any suggestion?

Regards Fatih

  • What are the risks that customer wants to protect against by "possessing the key material"? You are always in control of the key that you create in KMS through the key policy and IAM policy. You have full control over the lifecycle of CMKs. The common pitfall that we see a lot of customers fall into is when they fail to properly evaluate the cost of key management vs. threats they face. Customer often delegate the decision to their compliance/governance team who may not fully understand about AWS and KMS to make informed decision.

  • Also, one point to note is that migrating between KMS and CloudHSM and vice versa later on is difficult. You would need to recreate the new key, switch other AWS service that was dependent on old key, and re-encrypt the data. You will incur additional charge from respective AWS services to do the operation.

  • You should take a look at AWS KMS External Key Store.


1 回答

Cloud HSM is pretty expensive. If they want to control the keys they can import their key using BYOK. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/importing-keys.html. Not saying don't use CMK but if the only reason for using HSM is to own the key then that can also be done with KMS

已回答 1 年前
  • Thanks for feedback. The purpose of using HSM is regulatory compliance and to not manage (import) CMK and let it to HSM.

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