Getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN Connected Route 53 to Google Domain



I have been trying to host my static website with S3 and I think I got that working. I purchased my domain name through google domains and was trying to connect it through Route 53 hosted zones. I put my Route 53 name servers on my google domain, but when I go to my website I am getting DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN, on computers, however, when I open it on my iPhone, it is fine. I have tried many laptops and keep getting that error, can anyone help?

已提问 3 年前416 查看次数
1 回答

I think I just had to wait longer for it to propagate

已回答 3 年前
  • How long did you have to wait? I'm not sure if this is the same as what you described but I got a domain with google domains, transferred it to Route 53 two months ago, and now I can't access the domain from what I assume are private networks. From my laptop on my work network, I can't reach it, but from my phone I can.

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