Cannot login at aws console


This happen at aws console. Any clues? Thanks in advance.

There was a problem connecting to your instance Log in failed. If this instance has just started up, wait a few minutes and try again. Otherwise, ensure the instance is running on an AMI that supports EC2 Instance Connect.

  • Could you tell us what instance type, operating system and region you're operating in?

1 回答

Hello there, You mention that you are having issues connecting to you instance via EC2 instance connect.
There could be a couple of reasons for that issue. 

Firstly you could be using a custom AMI from the AWS market place and they not have EC2 instance connect as they are not managed by AWS. A possible fix would be is to connect to your instance via SSH and installing EC2 connect to your instance. Check reference to help install EC2 instance connect to your Instance.[1]

Secondly it could be that you are trying to connect to your instance directly after creating it and the environment needs time to correctly deploy and pass both System checks and Instance status checks before you can connect to it. Also be sure that your instance supports EC2 connect.



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