Executing "devicetester_win_x86-64.exe run-suite" errors on pretestvalidation.


I'm working to validate my device with Greengrass v2 on a Windows 2019 OS.

When executing the devicetester_win_x86-64.exe it launches a pretest validation check to make sure the correct components are installed on Windows. Below is the messages I'm seeing when this happens.

info msg="GGV2 Suite Info" hostArch=amd64 hostName=WIN-JTAA71LE6U1 hostOs=windows testCaseId=pretestvalidation deviceId=ztC-200i groupId=pretestvalidation info msg="Running test case" info msg="Setting up device for testing" info msg="Running preTest validation test" error msg="Encountered failure running pretest validation - \n your device doesn't have Visual C++ 2017 or later versions installed"

The last message tells me that it can not validate that Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable has been installed.
I have installed this on my machine and validated that it exists in add remove programs. Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable.

How is the pretestvalidation tool verifying that it's installed on the machine? I checked the Registry and it looks correct.
Is it possible that the latest version of the Redistributable does not work with this pretestvalidation tool?

Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks -Peter

  • This was do to the users rights in windows that I had created. ggc_user was just a standard user and could not check the registry. Once changing that users rights the code passed.

1 回答

This was do to the users rights in windows that I had created. ggc_user was just a standard user and could not check the registry. Once changing that users rights the code passed.

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