Question about Fargate vs ec2



We created a cluster that is using ec2 instances. We are considering moving to fargate, but have some questions:

  1. Does ecs container in fargate unload the container if not used?
  2. Does it take a long time to load up again? Example scenario a web api that needs to be online constantly in fargate and scale up.

Thank you,


已提问 1 年前299 查看次数
1 回答

Hello MaryJ,

You can setup ECS service autoscaling to scale up/down your ECS fargate service desired count based on your resource utilization.

If you need your Web API to be constantly available at all times even during minimum load, you can set the minimum count to 1. This will make sure that atleast 1 task is running at all times.

During heavy load, the above mentioned ECS service autoscaling feature will scale up your desired count as needed, and scale it down to 1 during no load.

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