Edit Role appearance after Switch Role configured


I switched role for first time in an account and gave the role a name and color, did it again for another new role. I can't find where to edit the names and colors that chose, looked everywhere in IAM and My Account.

已提问 5 年前2391 查看次数
3 回答

If you are feeling adventurous, it's possible to change the name of a role in the local browser by editing the cookie "noflush_awscnm". You can carefully copy the value to a text editor, replace the name of the desired role, and then paste it back to the cookie value using the browser inspector under the domain s3.console.aws.amazon.com.

Edited by: ItsCarlos on Aug 24, 2021 11:37 PM

已回答 3 年前
  • Also ticking the show URL-decoded helped work out the key:value pairs


Thanks for the tip, good to know.

I ended up finding 2 other ways:

  • if I click on the URL that was sent to me (https://signin.aws.amazon.com/switchrole?roleName=ROLE_NAME&account=ACCOUNT_ID), that will show the original page where I could choose a name etc
  • if I click my account drop-down (top right) and Switch Role, I am shown the role setup page! The problem with that approach is that none of the fields are pre-filled, whereas with the URL they are. Luckily the entries were in my browser's form cache so I could select correct values and then a more suitable color.
已回答 5 年前

Have you tried clearing your Browser cache? Supposedly, the browser will cache the last 5 roles that were utilized. After you clear your Browser cache, when you Switch Role, you will need to re-enter the account number and role (and hopefully, here is where you can reset your name and color). Caveat, I have not tried.. Found this article that said it was being cached in the browser:
Link: https://theithollow.com/2018/04/30/manage-multiple-aws-accounts-with-role-switching/
Hope this helps!

已回答 5 年前

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