Lambda component failing on ipc.socket connect failed


I have a lambda component on my greengrass v2 device using greengrasscoreipc to do shadow updates, and mqtt publishing to core. After a recent deploy I am receiving the following error:

<Connection at 0x7f09b693db50 /greengrass/v2/ipc.socket:0> connect failed: AccessDeniedError('aws#AccessDenied', 'Connection access denied to event stream RPC server'). {serviceInstance=0, serviceName=Edge_Scheduler, currentState=RUNNING}```

Just wondering what could possibly be causing this as there's very little information about this error
已提问 7 个月前196 查看次数
1 回答

Hi, Please open a support ticket to provide full logs.

Also, we recommend using Native Components instead of Lambda components.

Thank you.

已回答 7 个月前

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