AWS carbon emission statistics stopped working


I was looking into the AWS carbon emission statistics to use as input to our reports from a sustainable IT perspective.

Unfortunately it seems to have stopped working on our account around the start of this year.

What could be possible reasons for this? How could I troubleshoot this better, what tools should I look into?

Thanks in advance!

已提问 1 年前495 查看次数
3 回答

If a report isn't available for your account, your account might be too new to show data. After each month, you might have a delay of up to three months for AWS to show your carbon emission estimates.

已回答 1 年前
  • Thanks for your response. As I tried to mention in the original post, the service stopped working. So we have data prior to jan 2023, but since this date no updates.

    it's just unclear to me what could cause this or where I should look to troubleshoot


I have the same problem. We have the account for two ears and a lot of virtual machines were running. But the values are 0? Any Idea why? Do I have to activate somewhere something? I gave my IAM role the sustainaibility rule.

已回答 10 个月前

The graphs in the Customer Carbon Footprint Tool (CCFT) measure emissions in tenths of metric tons. If your emissions do not round up to at least 0.1 MTCO2e, it will display as zero.

You can also download the CSV of the data which can show up to three decimal places. You could download the data to see if emissions are registering there. Here's a short article that shows screenshots of the CSV files and additional info on the tool.

Also, if you run in one of the 19 AWS Regions that were electricity consumed was attributed to 100% renewable energy in 2022, you may see low to no emissions on your report. Those 19 AWS regions I mentioned are listed in the page below.

已回答 7 个月前

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