How do I include ODBC driver in my container created using app2container


I have sample website created in .NET with backed as MS Access database which requires ODBC driver to be installed on application server (Windows). When I am using app2conatiner to containerize this website, the application gets containerize successfully however the ODBC drivers wont get set up in the container. This cause DB connection requests to fails and application does not work as expected.

Appreciate any help in this regard to fix the issue.

已提问 4 个月前197 查看次数
1 回答


When we talk about containerizing multi tier application using App2Container, the recommended way is each application component in your multi-tier Windows .NET application runs in a separate container. Relationships between the root application and dependent components are configured in deployment.json.

You can see how you can containerize the multi-tier .net application using App2Container here.

已回答 4 个月前
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已审核 2 个月前
  • Hi Lakshay, This is not a separate app or windows service but just the ODBC driver which needs to be installed/available in the container. Deployment.json too had dependentApps field which refers to another application and not the driver. I am looking for field/file where these third party apps to be installed can be mentioned. Thanks.

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