Disable ManageMasterUserPassword


For a MySQL database, I turned on "Manage master credentials" in AWS console. I decided to use a "master password" instead. When I uncheck the ManageMasterUserPassword and assign a "master password", AWS console gives me an error , "You can't specify MasterUserPassword for an instance with ManageMasterUserPassword enabled."

已提问 1 年前791 查看次数
1 回答


I understand that you tried to reset the master user password but it failed with error below:

   "You can't specify MasterUserPassword for an instance with ManageMasterUserPassword enabled."

This message indicates that you cannot update the master user manually as it is being managed by secret manager.

I would suggest you to try to disable master credentials management via console or CLI. Please find more information below.

To modify the master user credential management in secret manager of your DB instance, you can use the following steps on console or the CLI command:

AWS Console:

> Open the Amazon RDS console.
> Select Databases.
> Select the RDS/Aurora DB instance, and then choose Modify.
> Uncheck the box: "Manage master credentials in AWS Secrets Manager in Credential settings"
    > Save the settings

Via CLI:

	aws rds modify-db-cluster \
	--db-cluster-identifier dbidentifier\
	--no-manage-master-user-password \
    --master-user-password "NewPassword"
已回答 1 年前
  • I'm getting the same error Aditya, After Unchecking the box in modification it was asking me for the new master password. After entering the password and clicking continue and I selected Apply immediately and clicked on modify DB instance it was showing same error as below **Error ** "We're sorry, your request to modify DB instance uat-atlas has failed. You can't specify MasterUserPassword for an instance with ManageMasterUserPassword enabled."

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