What's the action when create a user through AWS IAM Identity Center through AWS CLI?



From https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/identitystore/create-user.html, it provides to create an user with AWS CLI.

However, when create an user with AWS IAM Identity Center console, there are two options for password.

  • Send an email to this user with password setup instructions.
  • Generate a one-time password that you can share with this user.

So, what's the action when create a user through AWS IAM Identity Center through AWS CLI? I don't see the option as a CLI parameter.


已提问 2 年前282 查看次数
1 回答

As you are already aware of it, In case of Identity store as "Identity Center directory", one may create users through CLI by using API call "create-user", but there is no parameter in either "create-user/update-user" CLI command to send the password through an email to the user or create one time password. This action is possible only through AWS IAM Identity Center console.

Hope the above information is helpful. Thank you.

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前
  • So, how the new user setup the password when the new user created by AWS CLI?

  • as shared in the answer, the reset of password is not possible through AWS CLI and can be done only through AWS console.

  • Could you please help to create a feature request for this behavior? It's inconvenience for user provisioning in AWS IAM Identity Center.

  • I have gone ahead and created a feature request for this. We take customers feedback very seriously. Thank you for reaching with such a query.

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