Unable to find database in RDS console


I am a complete newbie in using AWS services. Recently (15-20 days ago) I started experimenting with using AWS to possibly transfer an application from another service to AWS. I started with a free account and following the tutorials I tried several times to create a Spring Boot application that needs to connect to a MySql database. Since the beginning of the month, the costs have started to increase enormously (for a test application).

This is why I started deleting the resources I was using.

But, I am not able to delete one particular MySql database. Neither database is visible in my RDS console, but I can access the said database using MySql Workbench. Even though I don't see a single instance in the RDS console, my costs keep increasing.

Besides using the RDS console, I tried listing the active snapshots, instances and clusters using the aws cli:

aws rds describe-db-snapshots

aws rds describe-db-clusters

aws rds describe-db-instances

but I still can't see which database is active for me, because I get empty strings as query results.

{ "DBInstances": [] }

{ "DBSnapshots": [] }

{ "DBClusters": [] }

What can I do next? How do I find and delete that database? How can I find other databases that I may have inadvertently created?

2 回答


If you can still access your MySQL database but you can't see it in your console, it is possible that your database is deployed in another AWS region.

You can see the AWS region in the database endpoint. For instance, if you have this endpoint: mydb.123456789012.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com, it means this database is deployed in us-east-1 region which is US East (N. Virginia) AWS region.

Did you check the other AWS regions ?

profile pictureAWS
已回答 2 年前

Thank you. I solved the problem by starting a connection with AWS from another browser, in which I saw invisible databases. After clearing the cache and cookies, all browsers worked correctly.

已回答 2 年前

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