EMR Fink Jobs Log Agreegation, Rolling and shifting to S3


I am running Flink jobs in the AWS EMR. I current as-is situation is,

  1. The flink job logs are currently getting stored in HDFS and it grows over time.
  2. Currently there is no log rolling happening
  3. The logs are available in S3 after some point of time, but it is not getting cleaned up from HDFS.

So i did the following,

I added the following configuration as part of software configuration while creating the cluster.

{ "Classification": "yarn-site", "Properties": { "yarn.log-aggregation-enable": "true", "yarn.log-aggregation.retain-seconds": "-1", "yarn.nodemanager.log-aggregation.roll-monitoring-interval-seconds": "3600" } }

then i see, the agreegation is happening, but i am not seeing any rolling files. I expected for every 1 hour, i will get a log file taskmanager.log.gz and then taskmanager.1.log.gz, taskmanager.2.log.gz in S3 but it is not the case. I always see only one file taskmanager.log.gz

My second clarification, when i added the below configuration, there are few folders getting created like this hadoop_$folder$, bucket-logs-tfile_$folder$ and no logs are getting created..

yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir: s3://<bukcetname>/EMRLogs

My third clarification is, do i need to add the following flink-log4j configuration? Does it have any impact on the Rolling?

{ "Classification": "flink-log4j", "Properties": { "appender.main.fileName": "${sys:log.file}", "appender.main.filePattern": "${sys:log.file}.%i", "appender.main.layout.pattern": "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %m%n", "appender.main.layout.type": "PatternLayout", "appender.main.name": "RollingFile", "appender.main.policies.size.size": "10KB", "appender.main.policies.size.type": "SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy", "appender.main.policies.type": "Policies", "appender.main.strategy.max": "5", "appender.main.strategy.type": "DefaultRolloverStrategy", "appender.main.type": "RollingFile", "logger.AbstractStreamingCommitterHandler.level": "WARN", "logger.AbstractStreamingCommitterHandler.name": "org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.operators.sink.AbstractStreamingCommitterHandler", "logger.CheckpointCoordinator.level": "WARN", "logger.CheckpointCoordinator.name": "org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointCoordinator", "logger.SourceCoordinator.level": "WARN", "logger.SourceCoordinator.name": "org.apache.flink.runtime.source.coordinator.SourceCoordinator" }

已提问 7 个月前266 查看次数
1 回答


I recommend you to use below json to update in EMR configurations to enable time based rotation along with size. Using below configurations, the rotation will get triggered either based on the time or size whichever meet the criteria. This helps in avoiding high disk utilization by rotating based on size .Also, help rotating the file if the size criteria doesn't meet for long duration. You may further tune below parameters based on your requirements.

[ { "Classification": "flink-log4j", "Properties": { "appender.main.append": "true", "appender.main.fileName": "${sys:log.file}", "appender.main.filePattern": "${sys:log.file}-%d{MM-dd-yy-HH-mm}-%i.gz", "appender.main.layout.pattern": "%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %-60c %x - %m%n", "appender.main.layout.type": "PatternLayout", "appender.main.name": "MainAppender", "appender.main.policies.size.size": "100MB", "appender.main.policies.size.type": "SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy", "appender.main.policies.time.interval": "2", "appender.main.policies.time.modulate": "true", "appender.main.policies.time.type": "TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy", "appender.main.policies.type": "Policies", "appender.main.strategy.max": "${env:MAX_LOG_FILE_NUMBER:-10}", "appender.main.strategy.type": "DefaultRolloverStrategy", "appender.main.type": "RollingFile" } } ]

For more information on log4j configurations, I request you to refer doc[1] and to learn more about appenders you may refer doc[2]

[1] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/log4j-2.4/manual/configuration.html#Properties

[2] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/log4j-2.4/manual/appenders.html#RollingFileAppender

已回答 7 个月前

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