Configuring Elastic Load Balancer IdleTimeout with Cloud Formation


The maximum configurable idle timeout for ELBv2 application load balancer is 4000 seconds. Why is the limit only 3600 seconds when configuring the same value via CloudFormation?

Are there any suitable workarounds? I am using elastic beanstalk. I can manually adjust the timeout, but if the environment is redeployed, my load balancer may get reset due to configs in my .ebextensions directory.

1 回答

You are absolutely right. UI allows 4000 seconds to Maximum Idle time out limit where as cloudformation gives 3600 seconds as Maximum Idle timeout. This is the case only for AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, but not for AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer

I'd encourage you to use AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer, where you can use idle_timeout.timeout_seconds attribute and max allowed value is 4000 seconds.

Refer this AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer documentation.

here is the sample cloudformation yml for your quick reference:

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
      Scheme: public-facing
      - !Ref PublicSubnet1
      - !Ref PublicSubnet2
        - !GetAtt ELBSecurityGroup.GroupId
          Key: "idle_timeout.timeout_seconds"
          Value: "4000"

Feel free to comment here if you have additional question.

Hope you find this useful.


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已回答 1 年前
  • Thanks Abhishek. I am using elastic beanstalk with an ELBv2. With this config in my .ebextensions, I receive the error Invalid option value: '4000' (Namespace: 'aws:elbv2:loadbalancer', OptionName: 'IdleTimeout'): Value exceeds maximum allowed value: 3600 . Perhaps the v1 API and v2 API rules are confused somewhere in the validation for the request. I think elastic beanstalk uses cloudformation under the hood, though I have not tried to allocate the ALB directly using the cloudformation API. In any case, based on what you mentioned, it looks like a bug in Elastic Beanstalk.

        Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer'
          - Key: 'idle_timeout.timeout_seconds'
            Value: 4000
  • I can say for sure, it works fine when I deploy directly through cloudformation. I can confirm on that as I did deploy one ALB through CF, before answering to your question. One thing, which I noticed in your example, Value: 4000, Value must be String type so please provide the value as I showed in my example Value: "4000". It'd work. Let me know how that goes, happy to talk further. Completely optional, you can approve my answer if it helps.

  • Provide Value: "4000" instead of Value: 4000, since it expects string value.

  • Thanks again for taking another look! Unfortunately, using a string rather than a number didn't help. I confirmed what you said, using the CF API directly allows 4000, just not through elastic beanstalk for whatever reason. Particularly since the elbv2 parameter is not called IdleTimeout but rather LoadBalancerAttributes[idle_timeout.timeout_seconds] I have a strong suspicion this is a bug in their validation layer.

    Also, I checked my AWS console and found that I can adjust an elb "classic" load balancer timeout to 4000, which is surprising since CF's documentation says not to go over 3600 for ELBv1.

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