Sandbox All (Test) Emails from Development Server?


I realize that SES has a mailbox simulator, which is a great feature. But I'm looking for a way to treat all emails sent from a specific EC2 instance as 'tests'. For instance, any email sent from the development server would be logged/visible in SES, but it wouldn't actually be sent to the recipient.

Our applications currently use Mandrill (aka Mailchimp Transactional Email) and we are able to accomplish this by using different API keys. One key is classified as "test", which is used on the dev server. This allows us to test our applications fully, and trigger countless email send events as a result of testing, without having to change the recipient. Emails that we send using the test API key are logged in Mandrill which is very useful, especially if we are testing a new email trigger or template.

Anyway, even though it doesn't seem like such a feature exists in SES I am sure someone must have run into this issue before. Is there a workaround? Or maybe the feature I described does exist but I missed it?


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